Sustainable homes are more than just a trend. They are increasingly becoming a good way to save money, boost your homes' market value, increase comfort, and reduce your carbon footprint
Aug. 2, 2022
Sustainability is at the top of everyone’s mind, as climate change and other environmental concerns continue to be felt more widely, Bob Vila reports. Home builders and remodelers have the option to choose more environmentally friendly materials, regardless of whether they’re building new or renovating. Many home builders choose eco-friendly materials to be mindful of the environment, but there are other factors to bear in mind as they make their selections. Depending on what is most important to them and their buyers, they can choose materials that are recycled, nontoxic, waste-reducing, biodegradable, or durable.
Green homes are more than simply a trend—sustainable living is now a way to experience more comfort, save money, boost your home’s market value, and reduce your environmental impact. Here are some sustainable building materials to explore and consider including in your next home project.