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There is always an excuse why not to use NHQA to drive improvement in your business or why not to apply

The same excuses are used in other industries too with regard to the Baldrige National Quality Award. 
"Asked his opinion of why more manufacturers are not using the Baldrige Criteria to support their operations, Michael Garvey of M7 Technologies said, “a typical manufacturer always gives the excuse I don’t have time for this (Baldrige). I’ve got too many pressing issues. I have customers calling me all the time. I have employees calling out sick. I have equipment that may or may not be running properly. I’ve got creditors that I’ve got to take care of. . . . My response is you don’t have time not to do this. . . . You have to make time to do this. Because once you take the time to investigate and implement these Criteria, then the rest of your day becomes much freer. . . . Once you invest the time (in Baldrige), then the return is orders of magnitude.” 
What excuses have you heard? 
The above quote was from this article
