Eye-droppers vs. Buckets: Choose wisely
I’ve recently begun working with Dan. He’s been around the proverbial block. He’s smart, funny & connected.
Up until last week, our relationship was one-to-one. I hadn’t spent much time with him in front of others.
And that’s the test... Other people.
It didn’t take long for someone to approach me about him.
“Dan told me about Red Angle - sounds pretty cool.”
I thanked him and we had some small talk.
As we closed out our brief encounter, he paused.
“You know why everyone loves working with Dan?”
“He doesn’t give out compliments with an eye-dropper. He gives out compliments with a bucket, man. All the time. People need that to do their best work. You’ll enjoy working with him.”
What a compliment.
What an analogy.
Eye-droppers vs. buckets.
As the pace of business seems to be accelerating, analogies like this can help us slow down.
Help us remember the basics.
Business is about people.
Leading people.
Thanking people.
Encouraging people.
Hispanic construction workers often receive zero encouragement and zero thanks.
Nada nada limonada.
There could be multiple reasons for this, but the language barrier is first and foremost.
Leadership is a numbers game.
Increase your leadership capabilities by thanking Hispanic workers when they do a good job.
It’s that easy.
And so is the Spanish….
Start with these:
Thank you.
Eres un genio con las hojas.
AY-rays oohn HAY-nee-oh kohn lahs OH-hahs.
You’re a genius with the drywall.
Yes - it’s ok to have a sentido de humor (sense of humor).
It helps take the edge off.
You and them alike.
Don’t leave the jobsite today without giving a compliment.
In English and Spanish.
Eye-droppers vs. buckets.
Choose buckets.