
Top Services for Pets at Multifamily Housing Developments for 2021

Dog parks and washing stations top the list of most desired pet services at multifamily housing developments, according to research from UTOPIA's sister media brand, Multifamily Design+Construction.
Jan. 4, 2022
2 min read

Thought we’d forgotten about man’s best friend? Think again. Though few and far between, services for pets have largely increased over the past few years.

The research survey of 342 industry professionals ranks the top 131 amenities that developers are providing in today’s apartment and condominium communities. This ongoing research project includes surveys conducted in 2017, 2019, and 2021.

The makeup of the 2021 survey respondents includes architects/interior designers (34.9%), developers/owners/property managers (30.5%), construction professionals (21.4%), consultants (5.0%), engineers (3.2%), and others allied to the multifamily housing field (5.1%).

Top Six Services for Pets at Multifamily Housing Developments

“Other” and “none” were often the most common responses from these developers in regards to pet services. Nearly a quarter (22%) did not include any special amenities for residents’ animals. Some property owners—a minority, for sure—are very assertively pet-free, with “No pets allowed” or “NO PETS OF ANY KIND” responses.

As for those that did include these services, dog parks and washing stations top the list at 77% and 63%, respectively. Both of these have only grown since the 2017 report.

Pet grooming services seem to have the most increase from previous years, jumping from 6.6% in 2019 to over 13% in 2021.

It also seems that pet overnight services aren’t that popular when compared to other amenities. Just 5.2% of developers reported implementing those in their projects. I guess pet owners don’t want their beloved animals to spend a night in a luxury dog boarding hotel—blasphemous…

The 2021 Multifamily Amenities Study ranks amenities and features across nine other building areas:
• Top ‘smart connectivity’ systems
Top 10 outdoor amenities
Top 10 indoor amenities
Top 10 recreation services
• Top 10 quality of life amenities
Top 10 business and technology services
Top 10 convenience services
• Top children's services
Top 10 security services
• BONUS: COVID-19 impact on amenities
• BONUS: List of ‘first-time amenities’ for developers

For the full 16-page PDF report, click the DOWNLOAD THE REPORT button below.

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