Business Management

Housing Policy

As builders, we believe that every American should have the opportunity to live in a decent and affordable home. And although the nation has made great progress, much remains to be done.
Nov. 1, 2004
2 min read

Bobby Rayburn
President, NAHB

As builders, we believe that every American should have the opportunity to live in a decent and affordable home. And although the nation has made great progress, much remains to be done.

Housing America is made more difficult today because of increasing demand on limited government resources and more complicated and burdensome regulations administered by various layers of government. Our nation must adopt a coherent and focused set of policies today.

A new report, "Housing Policy for the 21st Century," presents the essential elements of a housing agenda for the federal government that endeavors to fulfill the promises set forth in the landmark Housing Act of 1949—a decent home and suitable living environment for every American family. It is the joint statement of five organizations representing the industries that build, finance and sell housing in America: the American Bankers Association, America's Community Bankers, the Mortgage Bankers Association, the NAHB, and the National Association of Realtors(r). These organizations believe that the political leadership guiding our country in the 21st century should adopt these policies to foster economic growth and facilitate investment in the nation's communities.

The report describes the economic and social importance of housing. It also examines the current housing situation in America and cites compelling reasons for developing a national housing policy. The report also sets forth the principles that the five organizations believe should guide policy development and presents policy recommendations dealing with current and evolving housing problems. Finally, it stresses the need for a Cabinet-level voice for housing.

Not only is this publication a must-read for elected officials, it is a must-read for our industry. Take a close look at

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