
Professional Builder has closed

April 16, 2010

Our parent company, Reed Elsevier, announced in July of 2009 its intentions to substantially exit its Reed Business Information-US publishing business, while retaining specific businesses. Over the past several months, multiple publishing brands were divested. As of April 16, 2010, the remaining publishing brands and their associated products and services have closed.

As a result Professional Builder has closed. No additional print issues will be published, and this web site will close on April 30, 2010.

For a full list of the brands that have been closed, the brands that have been retained, and the brands that have sold, please see the Reed Business Information-US corporate web site at http://www.reedbusiness.com/us.

We are proud of the role we have played in helping our loyal readers, advertisers and partners. Thank you for your support.

-- Reed Business Information-US

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