
Home Builders See Boom in 100%-Digital Home Sales

Who needs the pricey model home and snazzy design center when homebuyers are willing to shop (and buy) online?
Dec. 1, 2020

While most home builders are not ready to give up on physical showrooms just yet, a growing number of builders have seen success in recent months with 100% virtual sales and design experiences—driven, of course, by COVID-19.

Taylor Morrison’s chief marketing officer Stephanie McCarty told UTOPIA in July that the builder had sold more than 200 homes virtually—“where a customer has not stepped foot into a sales center or a model home at all”—since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

TRI Pointe Group is another builder that is seeing success with online sales, according to a recent Forbes report. The Irvine, Calif.-based builder captured nearly half of its net orders in 2Q through virtual and one-on-one appointments with its online sales group, up 20% from the previous quarter.

TRI Pointe’s chief marketing officer Linda Mamet told Forbes that the one-on-one appointment sales model “has produced sales conversion results two times that of walk-in traffic.”

Read the Forbes report

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