A March 2018 study by the National Association of Home Builders looks at the differences in homeownership rates between Hispanic or Latino, black, and white households by county in the U.S.
The Southwest region, including Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, had the highest Hispanic or Latino homeownership rates. The share of Hispanic or Latino households in these states is roughly the same as the share in the entire state of California, yet the homeownership rates for this cohort in the Golden State are lower than in the three Southwest states, the NAHB reports.
To help explain the geographic differences between white and Hispanic or Latino homeownership, the special study also examines demographic and socio-economic variables previously shown to be significantly associated with homeownership -- income, marriage rates, and age ... It shows that, even when controlling for age, marriage rates, and home value-to-income ratios, the Hispanic or Latino homeownership rate is still about 11 percent lower than the white homeownership rate, suggesting that factors beyond what is accounted for in the model are affecting the differences.