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Young family having fun together at park By Jacob Lund - Adobe Stock

Humans tend to desire a connection to the land. If you have ever heard your grandmother talk about the beautiful trees that lined her street growing up or found yourself thinking about the park where you learned how to skate, you get it. But in modern society, that relationship can get lost. Homebuyers increasingly want their home to be an entire experience. They seek a community that preserves the character of the land and features just enough amenities designed to enhance their everyday life⁠—think simple pocket parks for children and front porches where families can enjoy the neighborhood. That’s where home builders can help: By intentionally planning communities to promote the happiness, health and wellbeing of humans, builders can create a space-optimized development where people can create memories not only within the walls of their homes but in the community around them.

A shift is taking place with home buyers. They want to invest in more than a home, they want to invest in the experience of living there. As a result, home builders need to focus more than ever on “placemaking” in community and neighborhood design.

What is placemaking? It is a philosophy of planning public spaces that is about people; assembling, interacting and living. It capitalizes on a community’s unique assets to create inspiring spaces that promote health, happiness and well-being.

Community Character and Design

Establish the image of community you want to achieve early on and use it as a guidepost for design and decision-making through the entire development process. People want authenticity. They want to live in a home, a neighborhood and a community they feel is unique and grounded in a sense of identity and individuality, not just a little newer or a little better than the one down the street.

The easiest way to create a community with an authentic sense of place is to start with the existing physical, cultural or historic qualities of the site and the greater surrounding community. How can they be preserved, enhanced and integrated into the master plan? Let them drive the design, rather than just “skinning” it with the latest trends in design and architecture.

People’s perception of a place is not a static, one-time event, so choreograph a memorable arrival experience. It’s not enough to flank the entry street with a pair of billboards, no matter how extravagant they are.

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