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Home builder software and digital display marketing company Computer Presentation Systems (CPS) has released an interactive sitemap for builders, developers, and prospective buyers called SiteViewer.

SiteViewer is a web-based interactive map application that provides easily viewable and usable information on lot availability, pricing, floorplans, construction stages, planned completion dates, and more. Able to be integrated into any builder’s website, the sitemap can help potential buyers view lot information before stepping foot into a sales office.

There are two variations of the application: SiteViewer Essentials and the upgraded version, SiteViewer Pro. Essentials is targeted at prospective buyers and Pro is aimed at home builders.



Home builder software CMS map


Bob Musa, CPS president, says this helps use the sales team’s time more productively. Clients who actually enter the sales office will already be armed with information and their decision of wanting to work with the builder. 

All information displayed on the map is fed in by Microsoft SQL Server. Musa explains that the Microsoft database has areas for a multitude of data points, resulting in no limit to the amount of information a builder wishes to display on SiteViewer.

“We don’t try to shoehorn people into what we think they should be showing,” says Musa. “We give them the flexibility to show whatever information they want to show. It can change at any given point in time. Once it’s in there, you can take it out, add it, change it, slice it and dice it however you wish.”

The backend of SiteViewer can also be accessed via the web, and once a builder works with CPS to determine what they’d like in their map, builders can make changes, such as lot availability, on their own. 

“We make available to the builder client little pipelines, so to speak, that they can interface with their programs,” says Musa. “If you’re using another CRM application or if you have an application that keeps track of the lot status, no human needs to actually touch the application for that information to be updated.”

Especially now, digital sales tools are of utmost importance. The creation of SiteViewer happened before the pandemic, but was based directly off of home builder demand, Musa says.



Home builder site map software


“We found that a lot of our builder clients were actually requesting this,” says Musa. “They wanted to put the site and the plot maps on their web, as opposed to having it just in the sales office in a presentation that’s hanging up on the wall."

But SiteViewer can do more for the builder than help with leads. Home builders can look at the maps and check in on sales with a glance, compared to complicated reports, Musa says.

An increasing number of consumers are looking solely to the web for home buying. A recent Redfin report found that 45% of surveyed prospective homebuyers made bids on homes they never saw in-person. SiteViewer can show these buyers floor plans and 3D renderings of homes, much like the current tools used for existing home sales.

“More and more people are using the internet,” says Musa. “I think probably everybody is using the internet now to first, look at the available homes, and see what’s out there in the market, and this is just another piece of that puzzle that fills it in that wasn’t there before when they were searching for homes on the internet.”

SiteViewer can be formatted into a business’s website to appear as though it is another piece of the site, a unique characteristic that comes from the application being web-based, the company says.
