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Spare time? It's a concept few builders are familiar with. Whenever he can find some -- either on weekends, on an airplane or on vacation -- Mark Wilson, President of London Bay Homes of Naples, Fla., spends it reading.

Wilson says he mostly reads fiction and the bestsellers, including "everything Tom Clancy has ever written."

Business books, like those by computer gurus Michael Dell and Bill Gates, also make the list, as do autobiographies and historical accounts.

And what author from his youth does he fondly return to? Charles Dickens, says the British-born Wilson, who says he must have first read the stuff when he was only 13 years old.

Wilson's method for reading Business @ the Speed of Thought was to reflect on the choice tidbits from each chapter and see how they applied to his business. The Roaring 2000s, by economic prophet Harry S. Dent, seems to be on everyone's reading list, but Wilson admits he hasn't gotten to it yet. Not satisfied with the all the adventure the home building industry brings, Wilson is hooked on these awe-inspiring, real-life tales of tragedy at sea. Perhaps hoping to someday share his life story with all of posterity, Wilson has been reading Margaret Thatcher's autobiography and Frank McCourt's bestselling sequel to Angela's Ashes, `Tis.

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