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Single-family and multifamily permits are up in all four regions with the Northeast leading for both sectors. The total number of single-family permits issued year-to-date hit 589,146 in June, a 35.9% increase compared to June 2020, according to the National Association of Home Builders. The Northeast experienced an increase in issued single-family permits of 39.6% and a 36.5% increase for issued multifamily permits compared to June 2020. The Midwest posted the second highest increase for issued single-family permits at a 35.9% year-to-date increase.

Year-to-date ending in June, single-family permits increased in all four regions. The Northeast region reported the strongest increase of 39.6%, followed by the Midwest (+35.9%), the West (+35.7%), and the South (+35.6%). Multifamily permits were robust across the country in June compared to last year; the Northeast (+36.5%), West (+27.7%), the Midwest (+23.7%), and the South (+15.8%).

Between June 2020 YTD and June 2021 YTD, all 50 states and the District of Columbia saw growth in single-family permits issued. The District of Columbia recorded the highest growth rate during this time at 300.0% from 54 to 216. The 10 states issuing the highest number of single-family permits combined accounted for 62.2% of the total single-family permits issued.

Year-to-date, ending in June 2021, the total number of multifamily permits issued nationwide reached 276,433. This is 22.9% ahead over the June 2020 level of 224,918.

Between June 2020 YTD and June 2021 YTD, 38 states recorded growth while 12 states and the District of Columbia recorded a decline in multifamily permits. New Mexico led the way with a sharp rise (824.7%) in multifamily permits from 146 to 1,350, while Connecticut had the largest decline of 44.5% from 1,462 to 811. The 10 states issuing the highest number of multifamily permits combined accounted for 63.2% of the multifamily permits issued.

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