Affordable Design for Single-Family Builders: Add the Garage Later, Save Money Now
Building homes without garages can lower sales prices, providing a more affordable solution that helps get more Americans into housing more quickly, says Housing Design Matters
July 12, 2023
Image: Imagenet /
A recent study by Zillow found that the nation needs 4.3 million more homes to resolve a housing crisis marked by low supply and historically high prices. But as prices for building materials rise and labor remains in short supply, resolving that shortage requires not just policy reform and additional funding, but also creativity from home builders to find affordable solutions for today’s more budget-conscious buyer pool.
According to Housing Design Matters, one possible solution is to experiment with garages. Without the added square footage of a garage, newly constructed homes could come with lower price tags, and those who still want a garage could add one down the line.
Let’s shelter people first and design a house that can add a garage later. The goal would be to lower the barrier to buying a home. There would still be parking on the lot where a future garage would be. Sadly, many municipalities require garage parking. But maybe with the passing of legislation such as the Live Local Act, we might see a softening of the hardline attitude towards garages. Can’t we put people first?