Codes + Standards

Energy Department rolls out new efficiency standard for furnace fans

The new standard could reduce carbon pollution by up to 34 million metric tons and reduce energy use by 46 percent.
July 11, 2014

As part of President Obama’s Climate Action Plan, the Energy Department announced a new energy efficiency standard for furnace fans. The new standard will help reduce carbon pollution by up to 34 million metric tons – equivalent to the annual electricity use of 4.7 million homes – and save Americans over $9 billion in home electricity bills through 2030, the department says. Last year, about 3 million furnace fans were shipped in the U.S. A standard furnace fan for a 70,000 Btu per hour furnace consumes roughly 1,000 kilowatt-hours per year, and the new standard could reduce energy use by 46 percent.

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