Women in Residential Construction

University of Georgia-Led Program Propels Women Into the Construction Industry

Nationwide, the construction industry faces a shortage of women, but programs like these hope to retain women in the field through hands-on experience
July 23, 2024

The construction industry for many years has struggled to maintain and attract women to the workforce, but programs across the U.S. are hoping to change that. One such program in Athens, Ga. is allowing female high school students to participate in a one-week construction camp over the summer. The program—offered by the University of Georgia College of Design and Athens Area Women in Construction—allows campers to familiarize themselves with different areas of the industry through hands-on experience. During the camp, the students drove bulldozers, poured concrete, and toured job sites, among other hands-on activities.

To expose the campers to a variety of professional paths related to construction, camp organizers played career bingo with the students to highlight different job paths. Over lunch, women in industry spoke to the campers about their roles in fields like historic preservation, architecture, geology and project management.

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