House Review

5 Narrow-Lot Housing Concepts for Today's Market

Five narrow-lot housing solutions that address such critical elements as garage placement, the value of side yards, and maintaining privacy without losing views
Feb. 27, 2011

One result of escalating development costs has been the downsizing of lots. With construction dollars directly tied to the linear footage of roads and utilities, it stands to reason that lot widths continue to decrease.

It’s not unusual to see lots in both infill areas and newly planned developments ranging from 30 to 55 feet in width. Creating functional floor plans, elevations with curb appeal, and overall site planning can be extremely challenging. Nevertheless, carefully conceived narrow-lot projects offer the desirable combination of privacy, low maintenance, and innovative architectural design that appeals to a variety of market segments.

This month, our design team offers a variety of narrow-lot solutions that address such critical elements as garage placement and the value of side yards.


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