Design Best Practices

Fresh and Innovative Design Trends to Expect in 2022

2022 is the year of adapting to a new normal—and doing so in style
Dec. 30, 2021
2 min read

After various stay-at-home orders and quarantine restrictions nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, homeowners are rethinking their design preferences to adapt to increased time at home. The latest interior design trends focus on indoor-outdoor living through natural light and unrefined, nature-inspired decor, according to Forbes.

The home office is also getting a revamp with a focus on strategic lighting, noise control, and privacy as more professionals make the switch from office to living space. Not only is the pandemic sparking new design trends, but increased concern for sustainability is also causing many homeowners to switch to natural, recyclable materials and net-zero home construction.

Mostly, we work from home now, so we need real work spaces in our homes. The work-from-home trend is here to stay, even after the pandemic lessens. Creating a conducive home office environment is critical. With videoconferencing the new norm, strategic lighting and an attractive backdrop are important décor aspects to consider. Calm, inviting spaces with great light control are key features of a home office. So are generous work surfaces, noise control, technology aids and, perhaps most important, privacy.

If we’ve seen anything in 2021, it’s a growing desire to stay healthy. This includes purchasing products for the home that are not only on-trend, but that are safe for families. We don’t want paints and fabrics that off-gas chemicals into our rooms, surfaces that are dirt magnets (good-bye tile floors and countertops,) difficult-to-clean deep pile carpeting, clutter and dust magnets.

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