Construction Trades Council Helps Local Kids Stay Warm This Winter
Northern Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council does its part to help keep local children snug with its annual clothing drive
Jan. 19, 2024
Image: Sergey Ryzhov /
This year marks the third annual clothing drive by the Northern Wisconsin Building & Construction Trades Council, which collects winter clothing and donations for Wisconsin's Superior school district, the Superior Telegram reports.
Council president Kyle Bukovich and secretary-treasurer Derek Pederson delivered the new winter clothing items, as well as some gently used clothing, to the Superior school district administrative offices, which will distribute the clothes to all eight of the district's schools.
“The Northern Wisconsin Building Trades believes in taking care of one another and our community,” Bukovich said. “When I first became the NWBTC president, I wanted to do something that would help uplift our community and provide something meaningful to some who may be less fortunate. So we decided to do a winter clothing drive with the donations going to the Superior school district, as young children are some of the most vulnerable in the community.”