Although we’re seeing a resurgence of luxury home demand as the economy crawls out of the recession, there are some distinct differences this time around. Before the meltdown, the trend was to build as much square footage as possible, even if there was nothing left in the budget for furnishings. Today, the luxury buyer is much more savvy. While high-quality finishes and amenities are expected, buyers also insist on value. Many of them are seeking luxury communities with smaller homes on even smaller building sites. There’s a desire for smarter and more practical features such as family entryways, private baths for each bedroom, home offices, and multigenerational suites. In short, casual elegance and spaces that can be enjoyed on a day-to-day basis seem to be the trend for today’s luxury home.
- The Oliver
- The Bentwater
- The Gambrels
- High-end Luxury Home
- Gwen
The Oliver
The Bentwater
The Gambrels
High-End Luxury Home