
Specifying a roofing underlayment is one thing; to actually protect the home, that layer must be properly sealed and installed. | Image: IBACOS
Specifying a roofing underlayment is one thing; to actually protect the home, that layer must be properly sealed and installed. | Image: IBACOS

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Roofing Underlayment

Regardless of which product you choose to use, installing a roofing underlayment will help ensure the roof system withstands the elements and the home stays dry
Oct. 4, 2023
Image: brizmaker /
Image: Brizmaker / Stock adobe
Image: Tomasz Zajda /
Image: Tomasz Zajda / Stock adobe
Image: Stock adobe
Zinc metal roofing from Rheinzink is installed on the 'A-House' custom home in Toronto. Scroll down to find out more about the product.
Zinc Metal Roofing From Rheinzink Is Installed On The 'a House' Custom Home In Toronto Scroll Down To Find Out More About The Product

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